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In Tallahassee, Republicans Will Still Rule But With A Hand Weakened By Election


Democrats in the Florida Legislature made some gains in Tuesday's election. They weren't enough to end Republican majorities in the House or  Senate but they did reduce GOP strength by a measureable notch: Republicans no longer have the supermajorities required for total domination of one party by another.

Boca Raton Democratic Sen. Maria Sachs' victory over Sen. Ellyn Bogdanoff  of Hollywood was the critical win in the upper chamber.

John Kennedy writes in The Palm Beach Post, some late votes and a possible recount may confirm what looks now like an historic loss for Republicans, the defeat of House leader-in-waiting Chris Dorworth of Lake Mary.

Dorworth, R-Lake Mary, is in line to become House Speaker in 2014 and had raised more than $500,000 for his re-election bid – the most of any House candidate. Dorworth, though, has been dogged by news accounts of a shaky personal financial history. Like all legislative incumbents, he also was running in a district recast by once-a-decade redistricting.

Legislators will gather in Tallahassee later this month for a one-day organization session. State Rep. Perry Thurston of Plantation will be installed as House Democratic leader. He told the Post he's happy with the way the election came out. "The sun seems to be shining a little brighter today," he said.

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