How Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death and the grand jury decision about Breonna Taylor’s killing shaped this week – and might shape years to come.
Kimberly Atkins, senior opinion writer for the Boston Globe. ( @KimberlyEAtkins)
John Harris, founding editor of POLITICO. ( @harrispolitico)
David Savage, Supreme Court correspondent for the Los Angeles Times. ( @DavidGSavage)
From The Reading List
Boston Globe: “ Ginsburg’s ‘pathmarking’ voice from the bench sealed her legacy as a women’s rights crusader” — “I was lucky enough to witness the day Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg became the Great Dissenter.”
Los Angeles Times: “ Ginsburg’s death sets up what could be the sharpest Supreme Court shift in three decades” — “When Ruth Bader Ginsburg joined the Supreme Court in 1993, she was its lone Democratic appointee, the first in 26 years. Her eight colleagues were named by the four Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to George H.W. Bush.”
Politico: “ Democrats worry Feinstein can’t handle Supreme Court battle” — “Colleagues fear the oldest senator may struggle to lead Democrats on the Judiciary Committee.”
Los Angeles Times: “ Analysis: RBG successor may push to end abortion, Obamacare” — “The death of liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg could allow legal conservatives to take full control of the Supreme Court for a decade or more, imposing a historic shift to the right with vast implications for U.S. jurisprudence and society at large.”
Politico: “ How RBG’s death could radicalize American politics” — “The battle over her replacement has the potential to spur far-reaching, long-term change.”
Associated Press: “ 2 Louisville officers shot amid Breonna Taylor protests” — “Hours after a Kentucky grand jury brought no charges against Louisville police for Breonna Taylor’s death and protesters took to the streets, authorities said two officers were shot and wounded Wednesday night during the demonstrations expressing anger over the killings of Black people at the hands of police.”
The 19th: “ A grand jury indicts one officer involved in the Breonna Taylor case” — “The announcement comes after a $12 million settlement for the family and months of Black Lives Matter protests.”
Vox: “ No police officers charged with killing Breonna Taylor” — “After a months-long investigation into the police shooting of Breonna Taylor, a Jefferson County grand jury announced on September 23 that it would indict a former officerin the shooting that killed the 26-year-old EMT. No one was directly charged in her death.”
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