It’s the latest in our series of voter roundtables – and this time we talk with a politically divided family in suburban Atlanta.
Kelly Feyock, she works for a nonprofit organization in Indianapolis, Indiana. Undecided between Trump and Biden.
Chloe Feyock, recent graduate of Indiana University. Libertarian, leaning third party.
Paige Feyock, junior at Wellesley College. Progressive, likely voting Biden.
Sophia Feyock, recent high school graduate. Democrat, voting Biden.
From The Reading List
New York Times: “ Women in Suburbia Don’t Seem Too Worried About Its Destruction” — “President Trump’s effort to court suburban women by promising to protect their neighborhoods is encountering one sizable hitch: Most suburban women say their neighborhoods aren’t particularly under threat. At least, not in the ways the president has described.”
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “ Why suburban Atlanta women are a top Georgia 2020 focus” — “Carol Geraci describes herself as politically ‘middle-of-the-road,’ the kind of person who can get along with anybody. For more than four decades, the Smyrna grandmother voted for Republicans, but in recent years she believes the party has drifted too far to the right. In November, she plans to cast her ballot for Democrat Joe Biden, less because of his platform and more to register her opposition to President Donald Trump.”
New York Times: “ Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama Program Addressing Housing Discrimination” — “The Trump administration moved on Thursday to eliminate an Obama-era program intended to combat racial segregation in suburban housing, saying it amounted to federal overreach into local communities.”
Philadelphia Inquirer: “ The 2020 election will be decided in suburbia.” — “American politics is increasingly about dueling geographies. Democrats have become the party of the nation’s cities, while the Republican Party finds its base in rural, small town and low-density exurban America, places of less extreme class divisions than the big cities, but also with less diversity and a smaller share of the population. Yet the political fulcrum of 2020 won’t be found in these competing universes — but in suburbia.”
Wall Street Journal: “ In Atlanta Suburb, Republicans See an Uphill Battle” — “Gwinnett County in Atlanta’s suburbs has been a Republican stronghold since Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in the 1980 presidential election, but an influx of minorities has transformed it, creating a possible Democratic juggernaut for 2020. ‘If the Republicans don’t broaden their base, they are in serious trouble,’ said Fran Millar, a former Republican state senator who lost his re-election bid last year. No matter how much he campaigned, ‘It didn’t matter.'”
The New Republic: “ Trump’s Incredible Ignorance of Suburbia” — “It says a lot about President Trump’s misunderstanding of the suburbs that the Republican National Committee has designated Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the Midwestern couple who two months ago pointed guns at peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters marching in front of their house, to represent beleaguered white suburbanites this week at the Republican National Convention.”
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