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Marion County Record publisher and reporter on police raid and its aftermath

A stack of the latest weekly edition of the Marion County Record sits in the back of the newspaper's building, awaiting unbundling, sorting and distribution. (John Hanna/AP)
A stack of the latest weekly edition of the Marion County Record sits in the back of the newspaper's building, awaiting unbundling, sorting and distribution. (John Hanna/AP)

Authorities in Kansas will return items seized by police from the offices of the Marion County Record. Police had obtained a warrant from a local judge, citing suspicions the paper’s journalists had obtained information from a computer database under false pretenses.

Host Deepa Fernandes speaks with newspaper reporter Deb Gruver and owner Eric Meyer about the incident. Meyer also lost his mother and co-owner, Joan Meyer, shortly after police also raided the home they shared.

This article was originally published on WBUR.org.

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