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Doral vice mayor sues city over title change

The vice mayor of Doral has sued her own city over a recent change to her official title that she believes is politically motivated.

The Doral City Council and mayor voted 3 to 2 at a special meeting recently to change Vice-Mayor Maureen Porras’ title to councilmember/vice-mayor. The resolution will also put “guardrails” on the role and streamline her responsibilities.

The Vice-Mayor position rotates between councilmembers on an annual basis. This week was Porras’ first meeting as vice-mayor.

Porras says this move is retaliation for her voting against many of the mayor’s policies. Her attorney claims this is a free speech violation and has asked a judge to reverse the council’s action.

Councilwoman Nicole Reinoso, who sponsored the title change resolution, said the purpose of the item was to reduce costs associated with buying stationery and clothing with the vice-mayor's name and title. However, the Miami Herald reports that the city already spent $3,100 on business cards and letterhead for Porras with the vice-mayor title, and will now have to reorder those materials for an additional cost.

Porras' attorney requested an emergency hearing to issue an injunction against the city. A hearing has not yet been set at the time of writing.

This is a News In Brief report. Visit WLRN News for in-depth reporting from South Florida and Florida news.

Joshua Ceballos is WLRN's Local Government Accountability Reporter and a member of the investigations team. Reach Joshua Ceballos at jceballos@wlrnnews.org
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