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The Florida Primary Results In A Nutshell

Democrat Patrick Murphy, left, will face Sen. Marco Rubio for the Senate seat in November.

You didn't have time to wait for the long list of results last night? Fear not.  The WLRN team has summarized the key takeaways of this primary election for South Florida. 

Marco Rubio will face Patrick Murphy for the Florida Senate seat

In the Florida Senate race Marco Rubio easily became the Republican candidate sweeping his opponent Carlos Beruff with 72 percent of the vote.

West Palm Beach Congressman Patrick Murphy is the Democrat who will challenge Rubio in November.

In his victory speech, Murphy took shots at Rubio’s comments this week about possibly not serving his full term if he’s reelected.

“In the Senate, I will fight for you every single day,” Murphy said.  “You compare that to Sen. Rubio who just yesterday said no one can make a commitment to a six-year term. Guess what, senator? I've got two words for you. I can.” 

At 33 years old, a win would make Murphy one of the youngest senators in Washington.

The Miami-Dade County mayoral race is headed to a runoff.

Miami-Dade  Mayor Carlos Gimenez was confident he would stop his challenger Raquel Regalado on primary night, but he did not capture more than 50 percent of the votes to avoid a runoff. With 89 percent of the precincts reporting, Gimenez   had received 47 percent to Regalado's  32 percent.

Regalado said she considers forcing a runoff a victory that gives her a chance to get in front of more voters before the final vote in November

"I mean, up against $6 million, an incumbent who’s waged such a negative campaign, pushing him to a runoff in November  is going to be spectacular for me," she said as the results came in Tuesday night. 

Gimenez far  out-raised Regalado with a political war chest of $4.5 million, not including money from political action committees.

In numerous mailers and fliers to constituents Gimenez presented himself as a mayor who has served with honesty and integrity.

Tuesday night, Gimenez said he anticipates he'll be  victorious in the run-off race.

"We are well-poised to take this to victory in November," he said.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz survived the DNC emails scandal

And in a closely watched race, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Shultz defeated her first primary challenger in 24 years. Tim Canova saw a boost in support and financial  help leading up to the primaries as Wasserman-Schultz found herself  embroiled in a scandal over how she handled the Democratic National Committee. She was ultimately forced  to resign as the national committees' chair.

At her primary watch party in Sunrise,  Ann Wasserman., the candidate's mother,  said the watch party's atmosphere was slightly more tense than past parties because of fallout from emails that showed DNC staffers appearing to favor Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders while Wasserman Schultz was party chair.

But the candidate’s mom and other supporters said they believe Wasserman Schultz will be victorious in November because of her perseverance, experience and 11 years of dedication to South Florida residents.

"I'm not surprised to be here because if Debbie starts something, she finishes it," said Wasserman Schultz's mother.

Wasserman Schultz focused her post-victory remarks on her plans to continue to support the Affordable Care Act and reduce college costs. She also took the opportunity to encourage her supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton.

"As Florida goes, so goes the nation," she said. "We commit right here and now that Broward County, Florida, will carry Hillary Clinton to the White House."

Solar Amendment passed with flying colors

More than 70 percent of voters in the state approved  a constitutional amendment exempting  solar and other renewable energy devices on business and industrial property from property taxes. The same tax break already exists for residential property owners.

Joe Garcia won (barely) the Democratic nomination for the 26th Congressional District

In other races, former U.S. Re. Joe Garcia just barely defeated Annette Taddeo 51 percent to 49 percent in the Democratic primary for Florida's 26th Congressional District, according to the latest election results.

Garcia is seeking to once again represent the district that stretches from Westchester to Key West.

Garcia will face Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo in November. Curbelo defeated Garcia two years ago.

Congresswomen Frederica Wilson and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen both won their races. 

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