David Schutz
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Broward County joins Miami-Dade as the only two counties in Florida with moderate risk levels rather than low ones.
Hurricane Iota, the season’s 13th hurricane, is gaining strength and has the potential to become a devastating Category 5 hurricane ahead of its forecasted landfall in northeastern Central America, the National Hurricane Center said.
A tropical storm watch was issued late Saturday afternoon for the Florida Keys from Ocean Reef to Key West, as Tropical Storm Laura headed for the eastern tip of the Dominican Republic with 50 mph winds.
Want to be a better surgeon? Get your game face on. A study finds that surgical residents who played video games for an hour a day performed better at simulated keyhole surgeries than colleagues who refrained.
A 2008 federal law is supposed to protect people from having their genes used against them. But it only applies to health insurance — not, for example, long-term-care insurance. That's exactly the type of insurance people might seek after learning they're genetically predisposed to some medical problem down the road.
The boards that license and discipline doctors are watching what they post online. Guaranteed cancer cures and photos of drunken debauchery are definite no-nos. A picture of a doctor holding a drink at an office party might raise an eyebrow but probably wouldn't trigger an investigation.
A chemical analysis funded by the Defense Department finds that some dietary supplements contain far more caffeine than the amount listed on their labels. Other energy-boosting supplements contain less caffeine than the labels claim.
Secretions from a brown frog's skin contain chemicals that might be useful in fighting bacteria. Russian researchers are cataloging compounds in the slimy goo. Although the odds against them are long, the researchers hope their work will aid the search for new drugs.
Children between the ages of 9 and 15 who went on eating binges at least once a week were more likely to use marijuana or to show strong signs of depression as those who didn't. There's no proof of cause and effect, but the researchers say it's another reason parents and doctors should keep an eye on kids' eating habits.
The latest addition to the field of smartphone apps that help people eat responsibly is designed for diners who care about the plight of the people who prepare and serve the meals. The restaurants were rated on pay, sick days, and opportunities for advancement.
Unafraid of the supposed barrier between sweet and savory, many chefs are incorporating vegetables like tomatoes, eggplants, and even mushrooms into new dessert recipes. But are they any healthier? Actually, yes, says a nutritionist.
The traditions of medical education die hard. Many doctors in training still work extreme hours, despite rules that limit the lengths of shifts for medical residents. One residency director calls for doctors educated under the old system to stop bashing the younger generation for being soft.