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The South Florida Roundup

New Details Expose Horror Inside Pulse Shooting, Election Chaos in Haiti & Algae Blooms

Protestors gathered Friday in Stuart near the private land visited by Senator Marco Rubio during his tour viewing areas hit by the algae.
Jill Roberts

This week on The Florida Roundup...

New details are emerging about the horror inside the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando. Transcripts of police communications also raise questions about the  law enforcement response. Why is it important to understand the police decisions involved, and what do these records indicate?

Listen here: 

In Haiti, the election chaos continues. Parliament remains deeply divided over a provisional presidency that has expired. What is the international response to the political unrest? How has the Haitian community here in South Florida reacted?

Listen here: 


Plus, Florida declares a state of emergency along the Treasure Coast as blue algae threatens the environment and economy.

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