Doctors are divided on whether blanket testing of breast cancer patients is warranted, since scientists and physicians are sometimes unsure about how to interpret the results.
NPR visited the only lab in the world known to be trying to use the powerful gene-editing tool CRISPR to modify the DNA in human sperm. If successful, it could be used to prevent genetic disorders.
Federal law keeps insurers from using genetic test results when pricing and issuing health insurance. But the tests might keep you from being able to get life insurance or a long-term-care policy.
Are You A Carrier? JScreen Wants To Test People For Genetic Diseases — Before Kids Enter The PictureSpit in a tube. Drop it in the mail.In a few weeks, a genetic counselor calls you up with your results.JScreen is a non-profit public health initiative…
Companies distributing genetic tests at pro sports events say they can help people make the most of exercise and nutrition. But regulators say some are medical tests that could land people in trouble.