TALLAHASSEE — A Tallahassee research group wants state lawmakers to temper a trend of tying the hands of city and county officials by “preempting” local…
The Florida Division of Elections says 18 people have qualified to run for governor. They include Republicans, Democrats, independents, a Libertarian, and…
Florida’s public-private economic development agency is holding a two-day meeting in Coral Gables this week.Enterprise Florida (EFI) is a partnership…
At the WLRN Miami Herald Town Hall meeting last month, Barbara Ricano from Sunrise wanted to know:Members of the ethics commission have complained that…
Florida taxpayers have spent $5 million on a budget transparency portal called Transparency 2.0 that promised to herald a new era for citizen access to…
Gov. Rick Scott's aggressive economic development effort got more legislative pushback Tuesday as budget committees in both chambers questioned the…
Florida has one of the strictest rules in the country for lobbyist gift-giving: an absolute ban.And the state has one of toughest laws for campaign…
Florida has a national reputation for its Public Records Law. But a new study by the Center for Public Integrity and Public Radio International has given…
The State Integrity Investigation – a collaboration of Public Radio International, the Center for Public Integrity and WLRN in Miami – is the first…
This story originally appeared in The Miami Herald on March 19, 2012.The first time Florida Sen. Chris Smith, a Fort Lauderdale Democrat, ran for office,…