The Title I middle school's media center was under construction. No one was inside the media center at the time the roof started coming down.
Hundreds of people attended the 2nd annual Miami Youth Climate Summit at Florida International University this weekend. The conference was organized by a…
Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried thanked a group of Plantation students Wednesday for their activism surrounding criminal justice and presented…
Middle school can be a difficult time in life. Nearly a year ago the counseling program 'School Is Cool' was launched in 10 middle schools across Broward…
Boodnaraine Tihal has been a teacher for 50 years. He started when he was just 18 years-old, in his home country of Guyana. He also taught in the Bahamas,…
The law studies class in Brownsville Middle School just got a lot more engaging: students are getting a law academy lab, complete with jury rooms and…
The Community Foundation of Broward launched a middle school initiative five years ago called ‘School Is Cool.’ It was a pilot program that targeted…
A new study shows students' self-image suffers in middle school and junior high. And it's not just hard on low-income kids. Having a teacher who understands the teenage brain can help.
A group of middle schoolers from Brownsville got a behind-the-scenes look at the Third District Court of Appeal in Miami on Tuesday, along with the chance…