What we can learn from Dwight Eisenhower’s life and leadership.
Susan Eisenhower, policy strategist and lecturer. Author of “ How Ike Led.” ( @eisenhowergroup)
Jack Beatty, On Point news analyst. ( @JackBeattyNPR)
From The Reading List
Excerpt from “How Ike Led” by Susan Eisenhower
Excerpt from “How Ike Led” by Susan Eisenhower. Copyright © 2020 by Susan Eisenhower. This excerpt may not be reproduced without permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.
Dallas Morning News: “ Susan Eisenhower: My grandfather led by building trust among troops and, later, the public” — “In times of crisis the nation’s capacity to produce leaders of integrity has always been assumed. They rise up from among us when the nation needs them the most.”
NPR: “ For ‘Ike,’ A Monument Unlike Any Other: Eisenhower Memorial Is Dedicated In D.C.” — “Dwight David Eisenhower was one of the towering figures of the 20th century: A five-star general, he led the D-Day invasion and helped defeat the Nazis. A two-term president, he brought stability to postwar America.”
New York Times: “ Eisenhower Memorial, Delayed by Design Disputes, Opens This Week” — “At a time when statues and memorials are being taken down or reconsidered across the United States, a new one is going up in the nation’s capital that could shape the roiling debate over how the country chooses icons to honor.”
National Review: “ I Like Susan (Eisenhower)” — “The Eisenhowers, Dwight and Mamie, had two children, one of whom died at three.”
The Guardian: “ Frank Gehry on his memorial to Eisenhower: ‘His accomplishments bring tears to my eyes’” — “It is ‘ugly and offensive to the eye’ and ‘injurious to public morals.’ It is ‘a hollow temple, not a hallowed one.'”
This article was originally published on WBUR.org.
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