Brazil's President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has appointed Amazon activist Marina Silva as environment minister. It's the reaapointment of a woman who carried Brazil's most effective strategy for reducing deforestation.
Miami-Dade County commissioners passed a vote that allows a decades-old boundary that protects coastal wetlands and farms to be moved. South Florida Roundup discussed the situation with WLRN's Environment Editor, Jenny Staletovich.
Mechanical harvesters will be used to collect invasive floating plants and the plants will then be processed and pumped to nearby hayfields to enhance soil.
The modern environmental movement and the far-right movement might appear to be on opposing sides of the political ideology spectrum. But overlap does exist and researchers say it's growing.
Environmental watchdogs now can detect deforestation even when it's hidden from sight by rain and clouds. They're using data from radar on a European satellite.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection says local governments need to know their risk for sea-level rise. Some agencies are already making their own projections.
Environmental groups filed a federal lawsuit Thursday challenging plans to widen roadways in primary habitat for the endangered Florida panther, the...
This week on Florida Matters, we share some of our favorite discussions about plants, animals and environmental challenges facing our state.
Not since 2008 has the Amazon been destroyed at a faster rate, according to Brazilian authorities. They say an area more than 12 times the size of New York City was deforested in the span of a year.
Florida’s Republican lawmakers are looking at new ways to address climate change in the state. It’s part of a shift in policy when it comes to addressing…
In a tweet, the French president called the 2,500 active fires in the Amazon an "international crisis" and urged fellow G-7 members to "discuss this emergency first order" at their upcoming summit.
It's been more than 20 years since the last comprehensive plan to manage the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.Now the sanctuary is releasing a…