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Next in our voter roundtable: Wisconsin. What do voters in Wisconsin want from elected officials? How are the recent events in Kenosha affecting their vote?
Randy Schmidt, dairy farmer. He likely will vote for Donald Trump.
Cassi Mennenoh, assistant manager at Black Point Estate museum in Lake Geneva. She attended Carthage College in Kenosha and is voting for Joe Biden.
Alexis Arnold, gallery and gift shop owner. Undecided voter.
From The Reading List
New York Times: “ Efforts to Channel Protests Into More Votes Face Challenges in Kenosha” — “Gerald Holmes, a forklift operator from Kenosha, Wis., was so passionate about the importance of the election four years ago that he drove people without rides to the polls. But this year, Mr. Holmes says he is not even planning to vote himself.”
Associated Press: “ When Trump talks law and order, some Wisconsin voters listen” — ” Alexis Arnold says she’s sympathetic toward protesters who have peacefully fought racial injustice this summer. But as some demonstrations spiral into violence, her anxiety is building.”
Washington Post: “ Amid Kenosha unrest, Wisconsin suburbs become a crucial testing ground for Trump’s appeals to White grievance” — “Surrounded by vintage comic books and video games, Henry Gacek sat behind the cash register in his antique store in this overwhelmingly White suburb of Milwaukee and recalled the chills running down his back when he saw the video of a police officer down the road in Kenosha firing seven pistol rounds into Jacob Blake’s back.”
New York Times: “ How Chaos in Kenosha Is Already Swaying Some Voters in Wisconsin” — “John Geraghty, a 41-year-old worker in a tractor factory, has barely paid attention to the presidential race or the conventions.”
Axios: “ Focus group: Wisconsin swing voters feel overlooked by Biden” — “Some voters in Wisconsin say they feel Joe Biden cares less about them and their concerns than about the people protesting systemic racism.”
Minneapolis Star Tribune: “ In battlegrounds, absentee ballot rejections could triple” — ” Thousands of absentee ballots get rejected in every presidential election. This year, that problem could be much worse and potentially pivotal in hotly contested battleground states.”
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