At the Turnberry Jewish Center in Aventura on Sunday, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg launched his “United for Mike” coalition to win over Jewish voters as he seeks the Democratic Party's nomination for president.
Bloomberg started off his speech expressing his support for Israel, but also his disgust with the politics surrounding US-Israel policy.
“As President, I will always have Israel’s back” he said. “We must never let Israel be a football that American politicians kick around in an effort to score points.”
Israel was the focus of Bloomberg’s speech, but he also took time to jab a couple other politicians including fellow Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders who is also Jewish.
“Now, I know I’m not the only Jewish candidate running for president, but I am the only one who doesn’t want to turn America into a kibbutz.”
President Trump has also been trying to win over Jewish voters but Bloomberg told the crowd he is the better choice.
“There are those that will cite moving the embassy to Jerusalem as a reason to support the president,” he said. “If im eleceted you will never have to choose between supporting Israel and supporting our values here at home.”

Renee Rotta said she was never involved in politics before Bloomberg announced his candidacy.
“I’ve never been excited about a candidate ever in my entire life and I think he has the ability to pull it off, to win, to be great for Israel and to be great for the United States of America.”
Bloomberg spent the morning in Tampa before making two stops in South Florida.