Documentarian Tod Lending goes into his films knowing that he doesn’t know what’s going to happen in them. Longitudinal documentaries, or long docs, are his niche.
“I follow people for years, however long it takes for the story to present itself,” Lending said.
At the heart of his latest — “Saul & Ruby, To Life!” — are two Holocaust survivors, Saul Dreier, 94, of Coconut Creek, and Reuwen “Ruby” Sosnowicz, 90, of Delray Beach, and their Holocaust Survivor Band.
The documentary will open the Miami Jewish Film Festival on Thursday at the Aventura Arts & Cultural Center. The festival will run through Jan. 23 at 14 venues throughout Miami-Dade County, and feature more than 100 films from 25 countries.
Read more at news partner the Miami Herald.