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Discover How The Negro Leagues Shaped A Global Game For Generations To Come

WLRN TV's new documentary "Never Drop the Ball"
Courtesy of WLRN Public Media
Never Drop the Ball is a new documentary from WLRN TV.

A WLRN original production, Never Drop The Ball takes audiences on an extraordinary journey to show how black baseball players built a brand of baseball out of segregation into a worldwide pastime.

9pm Saturday NEVER DROP THE BALL – Documentary

Never Drop the Ball-A WLRN Original Production

Never Drop the Ball, WLRN Public Television's latest one-hour documentary, delves into the amazing journey of black baseball players who spent six decades outside of Major League Baseball until breaking the color barrier again in 1947 with Jackie Robinson at the lead. Their everlasting love for the game motivated them to start leagues of their own. These leagues included fantastic teams such as the Miami Giants, later known as the Indianapolis Clowns. Their dynamic playstyle, talent, and teamwork wowed spectators both in the United States and around the world. Despite the hardships of the Jim Crow era, black players' commitment to baseball and barnstorming tours left an indelible effect on the sport's history.

A century later, in 2020, Negro Leagues were awarded the status of Major League by the same league that had previously barred blacks from participating. With this distinction, historians, players' families, baseball experts, and educators find themselves rewriting history as they discover the unique legacy these extraordinary athletes left behind.


For more information https://www.wlrn.org/never-drop-the-ball

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