The Broward League of Women Voters is moderating a candidates forum involving five Broward County Court judicial races on Tuesday afternoon. It is the second of several candidate forums by the non-partisan League.
Tuesday's judicial forum begins at 6:30 pm. and will be livestreamed on the League's YouTube channel. You will also be able to watch it below.
Scheduled to appear Tuesday night are the following candidates (along with their linked campaign websites, if available):
- Judge Group 6: Kathleen Mary "Katie" McHugh and Scott Russel Shapiro
- Judge Group 10: Alejandro "Alex" Arreaza, Woody Clermont and Samuel Ford Stark
- Judge Group 16: Kathleen Elaine Angione and Joseph Zager
- Judge Group 25: Corey Brian Freedman and Tamar Hamilton
- Judge Group 32: Emilio "Emi" Benetez and Lauren Nichole Peffer
Like the Broward 17th Circuit Court races, the Broward County Court judge races have few with challengers. Most are running unopposed. Voters cast their ballots for judicial races on August 20.
The League is planning additional candidate forums. Here are links to the livestreams on YouTube, including Monday night's forum with 17th Circuit Court candidates.
- Monday, June 24 at 6:30 pm: Circuit Court Judicial Candidates, Broward League You Tube Channel
- Tuesday, June 25 at 6:30 pm: County Court Judicial Candidates, Broward League You Tube Channel
- Tuesday, July 9, Lauderhill City Commission Seats 1 and 2
- Tuesday, July 16, Lauderhill City Commission Seats 3 and 4
- Tuesday, July 23, Lauderhill mayor
READ MORE: Broward election forum livestreams kick off on Monday with judicial candidates