The League of Women Voters of Broward County moderated two discussion panels this week featuring candidates for school board seats, in the latest round of livestreamed local forums by the non-partisan group for this election cycle.
Below, you can watch the July 24 forum. It features Maura McCarthy Bulman, Christopher Canter and Daniel Foganholi, who are candidates for District 1, as well as District 2 candidates Torey Alston and Rebecca Thompson.
The July 25 forum featured candidates Sarah Leonardi and Jason Loring from District 3, Windsor Ferguson Jr and Jeff Holness from District 5 and Debra Hixon and Thomas Vasquez from District 9. You can watch that discussion below.
Previous forums featured county court and circuit court judicial candidates. Earlier this month the group also moderated a candidates forum for the Lauderhill City Commission and Lauderhill mayor. All the videos are available on their YouTube channel.
Further forums will take place on July 29, for sheriff, and July 31, for supervisor of elections, tax collector and clerk of court.