The long running disagreement between the City of Fort Lauderdale and Broward County over a new crossing for the New River may yet have another chapter.
The City, especially Mayor Dean Trantalis, has long opposed a bridge in favor of a tunnel for the train line.
Last week the commission voted to rescind a resolution that favored a tunnel but would accept a bridge if it were deemed the more feasible option. In its place, the commission voted to approve a resolution that only noted its preference for a tunnel.
READ MORE: Tunnel supporters dealt a blow as Fort Lauderdale passes New River crossing resolution
But it wasn’t unanimous. Commissioner John Herbst opposed the resolution.
“ I'm not in favor of limiting our options strictly to the tunnel because at the end of the day, I strongly believe that having commuter rail is integral to the future success of the mobility of folks in the South Florida region,” he said. “ I urge my colleagues to remember that we should not stand in the way of progress on the rail line and support whatever solution gets done.”
Trantalis responded: “I will never ever compromise the quality of life of our community just to satisfy the needs of other communities. We have a thriving downtown. We spent years building it, planning for it, investing in it and now appreciating it. The bridge through the middle of our redevelopment area would only compromise all the efforts that we have made.”
The motion passed 3-2. Trantalis was joined in support by Steve Glassman and Ben Sorensen, while Herbst and Pam Beasley-Pittman opposed.
Broward County has already begun to move forward with their plan to build the bridge, as it is the less costly option. The county secured design concepts from the firm TYLin.
The cost estimates for the bridge designs range from $470-$490 million whereas the tunnel was estimated to cost north of $ 1 billion.